Buy A Truck And Get An AK47

AK47Buy a truck and get an AK47? Huh?! I’m not kidding! This car dealer from the midwest offered an incentive to anyone that buys one of his trucks where they would get a voucher for a free AK47.

Was this controversial?

Heck yes it was controversial! Controversial enough to attract CNN.

Did it create a buzz and get people talking?

Heck YES again – especially since he got on national and possibly international news because of his offer!

I don’t want this to turn into some moral thing here (like the CNN talking head news babe interviewing him was trying to do), but whatever your belief system is about guns – pro or con – the bottom line is: this guy offered an incentive for people to want to buy a vehicle from him instead of someone else.

And guess what?

It paid off big time!

He sold about 35 MORE vehicles than he normally would have done by offering the incentive.


Because it was unique and unusual.

Because it created a buzz and got people talking.

Because he offered something of value.

I’m not advocating that you give guns as incentives for people to buy your used car (but I’m sure you can see the genius in doing that), but what if in the title of your ads you put something like:

Buy My Car And Get Free Dinner For 2!

Would that headline attract attention to your ad?


Would that headline make your ad stand out from all the other boring ads?


Do people often put more value in a “FREE dinner at Freds Restaurant” over a drop in the price?


Is it possible that you could sell your car faster?


And you could scale this incentive to work for whatever price-point your car is selling for too. If you’re selling a cheap car then offer a $10.00 gift card to In And Out Burger or whatever.

If you’re selling a more expensive car with a lot more room for profit, then offer something of greater value like a gift card to a better restaurant, or a free golf lesson, or whatever you can think of that would have value and get your ad noticed.

The free dinner thing seems good to me because everyone eats. However, what you give for free might be unique for your area thus giving a higher perceived value than just  a restaurant gift card might.

The point is that even if they don’t buy your car – it will probably get them to look at your ad.

I would love to hear from others if they have tried something like this when selling a car.

Instead of emailing me about this, please leave a comment below.




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19 thoughts on “Buy A Truck And Get An AK47

  1. Billie

    I saw that on TV when he was doing that. Kind of funny but I can also see how effective that promotion could be too! Thank for putting it into perspective Steve!


  2. Lewis Hanes

    I’m not a gun advocate but you hit the nail on the head with how effective it can be to create some buzz around a promotion Steve. Thanks!

  3. Barry

    Thank you very much for that good article

  4. George

    I read some of your articles here and added your blog to my favorites. :-)

  5. Owen

    I’ve been buying and selling used cars for years. It is a great way to make a living too. Thanks.

  6. Carl

    Very interesting subject. Thanks!

  7. Jerry

    Oh man, that is an outrageous promotion! Thanks for the interesting post!


    How can i earn more money sitting at home in India?

  9. Bunker

    Are you a professional journalist? You write very well.

    1. admin Post author

      Thats pretty funny that this guy shows up again on CNN. He’s probably going to sell a lot more trucks now too. Thanks for the update Ed.


  10. MJ

    Hey good stuff about promoting a used car I’m selling. Thanks Steve!

  11. Emmanuel

    Dear sir,

    I am suscribers to your ebook – Lazy way to buy and sell car for profit.

    I am residing in west africa and really need someone in california to be my patner by hhelping me to ship vehicle to west africa.

    We can arrange for an escrow account for this deal.

    Thanks for responding

    Mr Emmanuel.

  12. admin Post author

    You will obviously need to do your due diligence, but would anyone out there be willing to partner with Mr. Emmanuel regarding this?


  13. Jerry

    Though not always needed for super high in-demand cars, your ideas for offering something as an incentive to get others to look at your used car over all the millions of other ads is an awesome idea!


  14. Paul McCann

    I already ship cars to different parts of Africa. Give the gentleman my email address and I’ll see if I can help him.


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