When To Quit Your Day Job?

Day 339: Only for NowWhen is it the best time to quit your day job because you are making good money from buying and selling cars for profit?

Obviously I can’t make that decision for you, but I can certainly understand your desire to leave a job if its an awful situation with no future and it doesn’t pay well.

I have readers asking me if they should quit their jobs right after reading my book. I especially get those from readers that just made a pile of money from their first car deal…and those are the ones I have to kind of reign in a bit.

I think the best approach though is to take things slowly when learning this business. There is no reason to add undue stress to your life…especially if you’re married!

Take ‘baby steps’ by doing 1 or 2 to 3 car deals a month and in a short time you will get a good feel for this business and gain confidence from gaining valuable experience.

Besides, there is nothing wrong at all with keeping your job because lots of “curbstoners” are happy making an extra couple thousand dollars from flipping just a few cars per month.

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7 thoughts on “When To Quit Your Day Job?

  1. Mary

    How can I start in this business and where can I get the deal. Please, respond ASAP as I’m desperate.


  2. Damien

    When does one leave their job to go full-time into the car business (or any business)?

    The best answer I ever heard was from a client when I was working as a banker years ago. He was a success in the aircraft parts business.

    “Leave your job when your part-time business income consistently equals or exceeds the income at your job.”

    The client I mentioned was a private pilot for a celebrity… that was his job. He stumbled upon a niche in aircraft parts that was being serviced badly at all the airports. He knew in his heart he could fill this great need at the airports in the way it should be done.

    He continued as a pilot until his business income equaled his job income. Then he went to the celeb’s agent and asked for a big raise. This was the first time he had asked for a raise in four years since he started!

    The agent (his boss) said “no way… I am not giving you a raise!” He then resigned and went full time into aircraft parts starting originally from his garage.

    That was one of the best things that could have happened to him. Now he is a multimillionaire with a big warehouse and lots of time to enjoy his life.

    I think the same advice applies to the car business.

    It’s always scary to go out on your own. You have to have a financial plan coupled with some decent experience in the field to bring it all together.

  3. admin Post author

    Hi Damien,

    Yes, what you said about bailing your old job when your income consistently meets or exceeds your job income is very sound advice. Now if you’re living in a van down by the river then I would say you should probably just go for it! :-) Just kidding, sort of.

    That is a cool story about the guy succeeding after resigning from his job too!

    Thanks for your comment Damien!


  4. unjuccutt

    great domain name for blog like this)))


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