The Paralysis Of Analysis

Sunrise for a New Day

Sunrise for a New Day

I don’t want to be a downer but I personally went through some serious personal and family issues the last few years that I allowed to bring my life to a standstill.

And this is why I haven’t done a blog post in so long.

It was a rough time and now that the dust has settled and I’ve gotten through it, I realize how much stronger I am for having experienced it.

Hopefully this blog post will be encouraging if you find your life at a standstill.  :-)

Being an adult

One of the most hopeful things about becoming adults is that we learn to take responsibility for our thoughts, words, and actions.

No blame

That means we no longer blame others for whatever funky situation we get ourselves into.

That also means that we as individuals are responsible for our own success…or lack of.

The really cool thing about realizing that we are responsible (i.e. Able-To-Respond) is that we don’t need to wait around for anyone or anything outside of us to save us.

Its all up to me

And that means that we alone have the power to make whatever changes we need in order to improve our lives.

I have to be so careful now with all this politically correct BS going on, but many of us will use the power of prayer, and if you feel inclined towards that then by all means you should, but…

Our biggest stumbling block

The biggest impediment to achieving success is the noise rattling around inside our own heads.


And by “noise” I mean those thoughts that creep in like mantra’s that say…

  • I’m too old.
  • I can’t do this.
  • I’m too young.
  • I don’t have time.
  • The economy is bad.
  • *I’m not healthy enough.
  • I don’t live in the right location.
  • I don’t have enough money to start.
  • I don’t know anything about used cars.
  • I should have started last month/year/decade.

The Paralysis of Analysis

The Paralysis of Analysis is also part of that noise that causes us to analyze every last detail.

The only way to end The Paralysis Of Analysis is to stop ANAL-yzing everything and start doing.

We all go through this at times in our lives to varying degree’s but you should know that its fear based.

Fear of failure

Sure, fear of failure can cause us to become so stuck that we won’t even try.

The only way to end those self-defeating thoughts is to act – do something – now.

Grab a piece of paper and write down everything you need to start buying and selling cars for profit.

Then prioritize that list by number for the things you can tackle starting today and check them off as you complete them.

Baby steps

Devote just a few minutes a day and you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve progressed in just a week.

Taking action will motivate you to complete more tasks and soon you’ll find yourself making good cash from buying and selling cars for profit.

Steady and daily is the key

A steady and daily process of taking action now will end the self-defeating thoughts and the Paralysis of Analysis.

Please leave a comment below if you’d like to.


*I know someone named “John” that successfully sells used cars for profit even though he is in a wheelchair.


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10 thoughts on “The Paralysis Of Analysis

  1. Marilyn

    Hey Steven,

    I have purchased your excellent guide to making money with used cars. I’m sorry you’ve been going through hard times, but I’m glad things are better now.

    I dilly-dallied around with getting started on the car thing and other things, without taking any actual action for quite a while. But I’m happy to say that just 2 weeks ago, I finally did a deal and today made my first money. Also have another deal in the works that I hope to get finished this weekend. That will also bring me some great money.

    I can tell you it feels great to actually have taken action and It’s really exciting!

    1. Admin Post author

      Thank you for the kind words Marilyn and CONGRATULATIONS on your first car deal today!

  2. Robert D

    Great and timely article Steve. This can be used in just about any sales situation from selling cars to life insurance. Your right about fear, it can cause to hesitate so long that we never even get started. Its encouraging to hear that even though this set back in your life has happened its good to hear your back on board.

  3. Tom

    Hey Steve, This really helped me. I hope all is well with you, Thank you and keep up the good work :)

    1. Admin Post author

      Thanks Tom and thanks for checking in. :-)

  4. Charlie

    Thank you!
    That meant a lot to me.
    I have found that it can always be worse
    and feeling sorry for yourself makes it
    But as hard as it gets, one must dust himself off and
    get up and move forward.

    Thank you,


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